Saturday, May 30, 2015

Keene's Culinary Experience...

The New Haven Connecticut Register just wrote an article about the varied and delicious culinary scene in Keene.  The Innkeepers who live here in the Monadnock region know we have great dining options for our guests, its nice when other people not from this area recognize it as well.

Click here to read the whole article.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Keene Sentinel: MonIFF Int'l Film Festival III a BIG success

MonIFF, the Monadnock International Film Festival just wrapped up its third season and it is being touted as a big success. Check out this article in the Keene Sentinel for all the details.
Colonial Theater in Keene: MonIFF 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Washington Post: New Hampshire #1 for Libraries

Of course this OpEd in the Washington Post refers to libraries in the entire state of New Hampshire.  However, the library in Peterborough received a special mention because it is the first tax supported the world!!!

Old postcard image of Peterborough, NH Town Library

Friday, February 20, 2015

"One-Woman Bean-to-Bar Operation in Peterborough"

The Monadnock Region in the news...

The Boston Globe recently wrote an article featuring Neely Cohen and her recently opened chocolate shop named Vicuna Chocolate Factory.

Neely has a fascinating story of a journey that started in Peterborough and led her to New York, Israel, Chicago and South America before back home to Peterborough and her attention getting chocolate factory.  Read her story in the link provided above...or even better...make a trip to Peterborough and taste her fabulous chocolates and teas.