Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Strawberry Fields Forever

Strawberry season – at least the fresh pick-your-own kind – certainly doesn’t last “forever.”  But for a few glorious weeks in June, it’s strawberry season in the Monadnock Region.

Fresh strawberries grown locally are a different breed altogether from those golf ball sized flavorless kind shipped from thousands of miles away and hermetically sealed in a plastic container. Our strawberries may be smaller, but they are popping with lip-smacking juicy flavor – perfect for making strawberry shortcake, topped with fresh whipped cream, or eaten straight off the strawberry plant.

If you visit in June and stay at one of our B&Bs or inns, you can bet that those freshly picked strawberries will make it to the breakfast menu. You can also visit one of our Local Farmers' Markets held every day of the week during the summer to pick up a pint for a snack.

Visit one of our several PYO strawberry fields during your stay this June. While you’re at it, pick a few extra pints for your friends and neighbors for a much-appreciated souvenir of your trip to the Monadnock Region!

Make sure you call ahead before you head out to pick strawberries to get the latest on the picking conditions.

PYO or Farmstand Strawberries in Southwest New Hampshire:

Alyson’s Orchard
57 Alyson’s Lane, Walpole NH

Darby Brook Farm
347 Hill Road, Alstead NH

Homestead Farms
16 River Road South, Walpole NH

Monadnock Berries
545 West Hill Road, Troy NH

Rosaly's Garden
Route 123 South, Peterborough NH

Tenney Farm
1 Main Street, Antrim NH

And if you are visiting the Monadnock Region in mid- to late-June, don’t miss our two annual strawberry festivals:

Wilton’s 5th Annual Strawberry Festival and Craft Fair:
Saturday, June 16, 2012, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Wilton Center Unitarian Church, Wilton, NH
For more information email:

Picadilly Farm’s Annual Family Concert and Strawberry Shortcake:
Saturday, June 23, 2012, 1-3 pm
Picadilly Farm, 264 South Parrish Road, Winchester

For more information on these and other Pick-Your-Own locations throughout New Hampshire, download this handy PYO guide put out by the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Keepin’ Food Local

Love eating local food? If you are committed to eating local, fresh food wherever you happen to be traveling, then your visit to the Monadnock Region can be a localvore heaven, particularly in the summer months.

The Monadnock Region is known as a “hotbed” of New Hampshire’s local food activity, with good reason. Local fare is offered to guests at many area inns, B&Bs and restaurants (for restaurants offering local foods, visit Monadnock Menus.

Plus, during the summer you can find a farmers’ market happening in the region every day of the week -- even in the winter there’s a farmers’ market to be found most weekends.

So, don’t forget pack along your cloth bags when visiting. And head on over to one of the many vibrant farmers’ markets in the region – one is sure to be found near your B&B or inn.

Here’s a complete list (list courtesy of Monadnock Table magazine:

Peterborough (May-Oct., 11-4 p.m.)
Monadnock Community Hospital, northeast parking lot
"Fresh Chicks" Facebook page

Keene (May-Oct., 9 a.m.-2 p.m.)
Behind The Colonial Theatre on Main Street
Keene Farmers Market

Peterborough (May-Oct., 3-6 p.m.)
Depot Square
Peterborough Farmers Market

Keene (June-Oct., 10 a.m.-2 p.m.)
Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene, rear employee entrance.

Rindge (June-Oct., 3-6 p.m.)
West Rindge Common Park at the corner of Route 202 and Bradford Street.

Harrisville/Nelson (June-Oct., 5-7 p.m.)
Harrisville Store or Nelson Village Green. Market begins June 8 in Harrisville and alternates with Nelson every other week.

Walpole (May-Oct., 4-7 p.m.)
Town Common
Walpole Farmers Market

Gilsum (May-Oct., 8 a.m.-noon)
Gilsum Village Market, Main Street

Hancock (May-Oct., 9 a.m.-noon)
Horse sheds behind First Congregational Church, Main Street.

Hillsborough (July-Sept., 9 a.m.-noon)
Butler Park, corner of Central and Main Streets
Hillsborough Pride Farmers Market

Jaffrey (June-Sept., 9 a.m.-noon)
Coll’s Market and Deli parking lot, Old Sharon Road.

Keene (May-Oct. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.)
Behind The Colonial Theatre, Main Street
Keene Farmers Market 

Temple (May-Dec., 11 a.m.-2 p.m.)
Temple Town Common, Route 45.